Webinar: What's in a Name? Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Geography, Environment, and Sustainability Key Words and Program Names
Date and Time: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm U.S. Eastern Time
What attracts students to our courses and to our majors? Three co-authors of a forthcoming Annals article have helped answer these questions by surveying more than 4,000 undergraduates at four U.S. universities, asking them to rate key words from course titles and descriptions as well as degree and department names. The results suggest strategies for attracting students to our classes, and majors to our programs. Among the key findings that will be discussed are that undergraduates overwhelmingly and consistently preferred simple, thematic types of terms to those that sounded more technical or science oriented. Forms of the word geography were rated significantly lower than words or phrases containing environment and sustainability. Forms of geography that included the word science were rated particularly low.This leadership webinar features Justin Stoler (University of Miami), Amber Pearson (Michigan State University) and Diana Ter-Ghazaryan (Florida International University). This session is coordinated with the Southwest Regional Division regional meeting and is also part of AAG's recognition of Geography Awareness Week. It was originally held and recorded on Nov. 17, 2020.
Justin Stoler University of Miami
Justin Stoler is Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Miami, with secondary appointments in Public Health Sciences, and Ecosystem Science & Policy. His research explores the geographic patterns of urban health disparities, particularly in low- and middle-income contexts, and environmental influences on social and behavioral epidemiology.
Amber Pearson Michigan State University
Amber Pearson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Environment and Spatial Sciences at Michigan State University and an Adjunct Fellow in the Department of Public Health at the University of Otago. She is a health geographer with a focus on social justice and intersections between spatial and social features of neighborhoods.
Diana Ter-Ghazaryan Florida International University
Diana Ter-Ghazaryan is Research Associate at the Florida International University GIS Center, where she collaborates with departments on externally and internally funded research in the geospatial realm, designs and delivers customized GIS workshops, and works with faculty to incorporate geospatial visualization and analysis into their teaching and research.
What's in a Name? Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Geography, Environment, and Sustainability Key Words and Program Names
Date and Time: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm U.S. Eastern Time
Status: Event Ended
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